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Reverend James Flynn has worked tirelessly on behalf of immigrants and other dispossessed people for almost the entirety of his Roman Catholic priesthood. Along the way, he’s been a harbinger of hope and touched many lives. This is his story.
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This book deals with the lives of several women who have been connected for almost fifty years, first as members of a religious community together, then as friends after most of them left the convent. The first part focuses on the author’s childhood and teenage years, while the remainder concentrates on the years she lived in a small community of six women who were all members of the Religious Sisters of Mercy, under the auspices of the Province of Cincinnati. Many changes occurred in their lives over the six or so years they lived in this community. Most of them were teachers, one a librarian. They made many friends with the people they encountered in what was primarily an African American population. Their neighbors were nothing if not gracious and welcoming. They learned many things about themselves as they struggled together and attempted to deal with various issues they had grown up with, including sexual abuse, alcoholism, and depression. At one point in their community life, they all attended therapy, both individually and as a group, hoping to learn how to better communicate with each other. They enjoyed good times and endured some hard times. They formed a group to study feminism, and other women they knew joined this group. It proved to be an eye-opening time.
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Manuel: A Novel takes us on a journey through a young boy’s future life. If he can accomplish his dreams, what he can accomplish in his life, he can be anything he wants to be, a policeman, a fireman, or even president.
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As Tony, a daytime series actor living in New York City, begins the inevitable approach toward middle age, his mother makes a most unusual request: transport his father’s ashes back to Italy for a proper burial in his hometown. Having long had a tenuous relationship with his demanding father, Tony is at first reluctant to take on this somber task. But he soon finds himself jetting off to Italy, taking comfort in the idea that he will at least get the opportunity to explore the art, architecture, and food of this awe-inspiring country. But once he steps foot in his father’s hometown, Tony stumbles across shocking family secrets that will change the way he thinks of his father—and himself—forever.
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Lieb Canavan is a procurator fiscal (coroner) in Scotland. He is married to Rose, whose sister Heather has recently birthed her first child, and Rose has planned to visit her. Whilst preparing for this first separation, Lieb gets a call to work. Another body has been found in a blue barrel with the distinctive Wb insignia on the side. He meets up with Senior Inspector Marcus Campbell, and the case takes on a life of its own, filling in the empty time Rose is away. For Marcus, the case takes another turn when he is partnered with Senior Inspector Grace Scott, and his many protestations of being a career bachelor crash in around him. With Marcus and Grace helping close the bodies in the barrels case, Lieb lands another case, one that is far too close to home and one that will earn him the nickname the Iceman.
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Two boys from a blended family are [found alone] when their mother becomes ill in a pandemic. To avoid infection themselves, they decide to isolate in the mountains of Colorado. They meet a caretaker who is eager to turn his animal care responsibilities over to the boys and leave the state in order to escape the pandemic. This leaves the two boys in charge of three horses and a dog. The older boy, Tyler, (age 14) has some knowledge of horses, but has no relationship with a God who can be trusted in challenging circumstances. Danny (age 9) on the other hand has a growing faith and a determination to trust God. His horse becomes a companion that comforts him in the loss of his mother. The boys encounter many challenges to their relationship, to their safety and to the safety of their animals. In the process they learn to value the security of a home and family. Will their faith bring them the home and family they need and desire?
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Ce questionnaire est dédié à tous les amis, lecteurs et pratiquants de la Bible, notamment à celles et ceux qui aiment et attendent l’Avènement de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, en impactant le présent siècle mauvais, par la connaissance et l’observance des prescrits de la Bible en vue de leur marche spirituelle ici et pour l’Eternité Bienheureuse avec Christ.
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Gregory sat in a small cell that he shared with another inmate and questioned, “Why am I here Lord? What did I do wrong to cost me the rest of my life in prison with a walking death sentence? Please let me know, I am man enough to handle it, but I need to know where I went wrong.” The answer came in three simple words, “It was rigged!” As soon as Gregory was arrested for a murder and assault that his mentally ill brother committed, he set out on a course to prove just how a judicial system that he believed in could be so corrupt that they would concoct a story that would send an innocent man away for the rest of his life. He could not fight it alone so from the time he was locked up in St. Louis City Jail he prayed that the Lord would send someone who would believe in his innocence to help him. Little did he know his help was going to come from one Michigan white woman who fought alongside him until the governor commuted his sentence. His fight did not end there because there was still the scar on his name, and he had to clear his name. He entered a fight that would take years to unravel the “Gordian Knot” of corruption and the legal lies that surrounded his name. He never wavered in his faith in the Lord’s leading which caused him to be mocked and jeered at for over twenty years. He discovered that through all of this, the Lord moves in steps and stages, and in his heart he was able to be “Walking Free” in the Word of God.
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My first book, ABSOLUTELY PERFECT is a composite in story form from the findings of many hypnotherapy sessions. This book is the first step in the revelation of you and how you became the you that exists today. I incorporate our history, philosophes of religions, political, social allegiances and the ongoing path of our desperate inner desire to fight. I explain how we discovered that we create our existences through our emotional reactions to everyone and everything in our environment. I uncover the true yin/yang of our existences and our karmic resolutions in each lifetime. By revealing how you created every intricate component of your ongoing existences I am able to explain your immortality and the continuums of your ongoing non-physical existences. This information unearths a personal power that we have never experienced before; it empowers us with the truth, self-empowerment and self-love. I unveil our endless historical paths of victimisation and how by choosing not to be our brother’s keeper we attain choices to empower ourselves and not participate. We then allow them to make the same choices for themselves in their own time, this is true Equality. I explain how we uncovered the misinterpretations taught in the past about the traumatic paths of losing loved ones. I reveal the diabolical paths of murder, war, paedophilia, mental and physical narcissistic abuse and how by recognising your emotional reactions to any altercation you have a power not to create the same violence for your next existence, you can alter the entire path. This is your journey. This entire experience is all about you. You have to experience all the imperfections of each existence to appreciate and understand their perfections. ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, your first step to real self-empowerment and self-love.
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When a new Christian cries out for God’s “perfect will” and “purpose” to be fulfilled in their life, one can expect literally “all hell” to break loose. Nothing else makes sense as the pure character building “walk” begins. Bonnie had finally reached a comfort level in her life after many years of upheaval. That comfort level soon changes when she answered a TV advertisement, she hope would fill an emotional void in her life. The result of this change took her from literal darkness to the “the Light.” But not without going through several years of one fiery trail after another. During the first seven years following her response to the TV ad, Bonnie found herself jailed, bankrupt and living out of her car as she continued to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Through those years of character building with the Lord, she raised herself from the pits of depression. Once discovering her calling, she goes from death row to the highest office in state government carrying her message of injustice. This could have never happened if she had not developed the personal relationship with Jesus that many people only talk about, but few really experience, because they cannot find it within themselves to sacrifice “all” to “Walk a Mile in HIS shoes.”
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