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It’s never too early to begin reading to our children. As they respond to sounds, the contents of the page become meaningful. Familiarity fosters anticipation. Mimicry encourages participation. This delightful collection of alphabetic poems by VP Saxton combines the simplicity of rhythm and rhyme with diverse vocabulary, alliteration, and linguistic features. Further enhanced by imaginative and inclusive illustrations this book is a must have for your family bookshelf. Un-named entries allow space for personalised poems. Select a blank template, insert your family member’s name to create a lasting memory.
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Second Chances focuses on two brothers and their families who feel disappointed with the lot they have been dealt. Both need to decide what is to be done if they are to fulfill their own desires as well as cater to the needs of those closest to them. Contrasting the opposing climates of Perth in WA and London, England, a cast of characters weave their stories through the pages of this thought-provoking novel as they make decisions that could be life-changing.
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Set in WA, Adrift tells the story of three close-knit families who have bonded through the years of raising young families and negotiating the thrills and spills of life. Suddenly finding themselves forced into change, they flounder as they attempt to hold on to what is near and dear, making the best of their altered circumstances.
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